advice on styrene wraps to add rivet detail
Frustrated....... Wallbang I painted my new tender steam power black, gave it a lot shot of gloss to prepare the surface for decals, applied the decals and then went on to dulcoat.

I only had this item to dulcoat so I grabbed a rattle can from the store shot it and waited.... CAN WAS MISLABELED!!! its glosscoat....URGH. okay so I fire up the airbrush thin some dullcoat and shoot it. half hour later I return and find that white haze on all the raised details and grabs....sigh. Okay so I figure no big deal I will shoot it again after it dries and the white will go away just like the last time this happened right? NOPE. ended up stripping it with Chameleon (awesome stuff!!) and now am starting over with a complete repaint of the tender. I have heard dullcoat responds this way when it comes in contact with alcohol and am wondering now if the issue was with my original paint which was polyscale steam power black thinned with windshield washer detergent which has a high alcohol content. but then again that is what I have used on a number of projects of late and had no issues. I did notice that even my bottle of dullcoat for use in the airbrush is not as "dull" as I am accustomed to... more of a satin finish even with good mixing. I can tell its dullcoat because you can see the talc in it but it just isnt all that dull.

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