WOOHOO! Good weather = time to build
Don't forget a common kitbashing premise - age represented by growth (add-ons). The older brick building should be sited on the lot as if it had been the only structure there. But the corrugated extension came along later with a growth in the industry (whatever it may be) and the stucco office building with the nice facade and pretty landscaping around the parking lot even later. You get the idea, I hope.

A building showing these signs of progress over the years could possibly fit into any of your areas, A, B, or C, as long as the story suits. Something old and well established in the midst of new growth might be (for your region) a packing house for that good Texas citrus crop (let's say pink grapefruit, or how 'bout cantaloupe - not citrus, but definately Texas). The fields surrounding the packing house have long been sold for development (concrete tilt-ups for tech industries) and the packing house evolved in order to survive. A new addition, along with refrigeration units, and a truck load-out/dump for the produce processing, made business profitable during the transition. As with other ag industries, perhaps a 'value-added' step came along like producing concentrated syrup or dried fruit for distribution. And rail traffic that would have been iced reefers back in the day, has become RailBox cars with packing materials or a tank car of HFCS to make fruit juice concentrate or a mechanical reefer to ship the finished goods to a distribution center.

Sound interesting? There's your story, now kitbash the industry!

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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