WOOHOO! Good weather = time to build
Kevin, I can see that a guy could miss these kinds of weeks... NOT! Goldth

Gus, I wish I could quit, but then how would I afford all this stuff? Big Grin

Along with Charlie's progress on his building, I made some progress too. Finally got all the foam cut and glued to the plywood shelf tops. The hold-up was that the contact cement didn't act right. First, the can said it was good for foam, plywood, fabric, etc. Instructions were to paint it onto both sides and let it dry for 40 minutes before pressing the pieces together - and it had a warning - make sure the pieces are exactly aligned because the contact cement bonds instantly upon contact. Well, it sure didn't bond instantly. In fact, it hardly stuck at all. I even climbed up on the shelves and sat on them with all my weight. Still nothing. The foam would just lift right off the shelf! Curse

So, out of desperation I put a piece of foam in place, laid a bunch of 1x4s on the foam and ran some 3.5" screws through the 1x4s, through the foam, and into the shelves, basically making a foam sandwich. I let this sit overnight and then removed the screws, and bingo, the foam was stuck. Completing all the shelves took several days because of the limited amount of 1x4s and screws I had.



And tonight I got some roadbed down. I very much enjoyed it after the past few months of working on the building. It's also been nice to think about the layout design too. If I had about a week off, I could make some S E R I O U S progress!

Three Foot Rule In Effect At All Times

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