The 3751 you'd like is probably BLIs. [url]
[/url] This is a blueline loco, so you need to pop a decoder into the socket. It comes equipped with sound.

Bachmann standard makes one that is DCC equipped. (I don't know if they one sound equipped).
It is numbered for a later class of 4-8-4s than the 3751. Old Bachmann steam engines were not very good. Throughout the 1990s, they worked to move their line from being poor runners into first class models. The 4-8-4s of the end of the decade looked like the engines from the start of the decade, but ran fairly well (though they didn't pull that great). Their Spectrum 2-8-0 launched the modern era of steam locomotive models...being the best detailed, smoothest running, and best puller of any steam locomotive in plastic up to that point. This is not a spectrum locomotive, and accordingly, doesn't have that same level of detail. It is probably the budget option between the two.

The Daylight from Precision Craft:
PCM is the corporate sibling of BLI.
Bachmann offers her in post-war black...which is important, because it is the easiest to convert to the BNSF scheme she wore. This locomotive is acceptably detailed and runs okay...although I'd suspect the PCM version is better. If I really wanted her painted up for BNSF, and didn't want to repaint a locomotive, I'd get one of Bachmann's, use a pencil eraser to remove the tender's lettering, add stripes from Woodland scenic dry transfers, and drop a logo onto the tender.
MTH, in O scale, is the only model of her factory painted as BNSF 4449.
Here is a photo gallery of BNSF 4449:

The reason for the paint scheme is simple enough: the Daylight crew have pretty good relations with BNSF. Therefore, they probably painted her as an act of good will. The 765 did the same thing in the 1990s...having a few details changed, dawning C&O paint, and becoming C&O an act of goodwill towards the then friendly (and very helpful) CSX. In the 765's case, her home road, the NKP, is a part of the NS dawning C&O paint made her a part of the family (rather than being somewhat of a rolling billboard for a competitor). Same thing with the Daylight...the SP is part of the UP running in non-UP family paint is similar. Such acts are nice gestures...and they drive foamers (of other railroads) mad.
My primary goal is a large Oahu Railway layout in On3
My secondary interests are modeling the Denver, South Park, & Pacific in On3 and NKP in HO
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