Stein's Minneapolis Warehouse district 1957 (HO)
Well, the cabooses I ordered a while back has just arrived. Still waiting for the standard cupola replacement for the wide vision cupola, but the rest has arrived. And I discovered a box I had forgotten about with an NP bay window caboose.

So now my layout has gone from not running with cabooses, to having four reasonably presentable cabooses. These are the ones I have now (in addition to some old Santa Fe cabooses that I have decided to just leave off the layout - the mod did not turn out very well).

NP 1743 - a three window caboose:
[Image: np-1743.jpg]

NP 10404 - wide cupola - waiting for standard width replacement cupola (and a repaint)
[Image: np-10404.jpg]

NP X-184 - bay window caboose
[Image: np-x184.jpg]

SL-SF 1115 - will remove decals and decal for the Great Northern:
[Image: slsf-1115.jpg]


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