WOOHOO! Good weather = time to build
Barrow! - That's who I was trying to think of! Your layout reminds me of his domino approach, somewhat. It seems somehow different...maybe the angle of the photographs? Anyway, I like plan number two.

I think there's two approaches to consider here. One is striving to mimic the prototype arrangements and two is working toward a more modelgenic look. These are not mutually exclusive, by any means. Both are valid, insofar as being able to say, "I did it like that because...". Both can be supported by real life track arrangements. However, the modelgenic approach may not be as prototypical but is done as needed because either you like the way it looks or it's necessary to avoid a domestic problem (pipes, walls, living rooms, etc.). You really don't have too much to deal with in the second case, since you built the room to suit the trains. But I know you also like to look at google earth, right? Perhaps there's some inspiration there for how to choose an option, or maybe an third option will present itself. Even our most imagined modelgenic approaches look somehow 'right' when they resemble a prototype scene we may have seen.

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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