WOOHOO! Good weather = time to build
They do make buttons like that, but are high dollar stuff because of the lack of demand. Another option would be a two-stage time delay, but again we are talking about a fairly heavy expense. I think the easiest option would be to increase the time delay to, say, 10 seconds, and just have the emag on longer, giving time to position, change direction, and then pull away. The longer time period on the magnet wouldn't burn it up because it is operating well below the maximum current. This wouldn't require any extra parts or wiring... just turn the existing time dealy relay knob from 5 seconds to 10 seconds. The uncoupling action wouldn't be any different than what is required at a permanent magnet.

so, looks like it is time for some experimentation.... but I will probably wait until most of the track is complete. Probably be best to install the LEDs after the ballast was done. Just drill a small hole through the ballast/foam/plywood and stick the LED and wring through.
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