Stein's Minneapolis Warehouse district 1957 (HO)
Good grief - I haven't worked on my layout since the end of May!

But a very nice month long summer vacation in Minnesota is now officially over. I and my family are now back in Norway. My internal clock still runs on Minnesota time, though - it is 4 am Sunday morning over here, and I still do not feel the least sleepy. Where the heck did we stash that bottle of Melatonin pills?

For the first time in quite a few years, I returned from vacation without a changed track plan or new purchases of model railroading related stuff - must mean that I am still reasonably satisfied with my plan, and that I don't want to make any significant changes. I'll try to get in a little work on the layout tomorrow.

Anyways - here's looking forward to a MR late summer/fall session.


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