R.I.P. Model Train Magazine Index
One thing we must remember, Kalembach and other magazine publishers are profit organizations, just like newspapers, TV stations and other media providers. If they don't make money, they don't exist and that's a fact of life. We can choose to support them, or not. They must however, provide a fitting and interesting service at a reasonable price, otherwise their support base dwindles and they have to look for other ways to make up the losses. They cannot continue to raise prices, cut page content and start charging for services that they once gave away, without enhancing them somehow. When we lived in Wickenburg, a town about 30 miles north of where we now live, I subscribed to the local weekly paper. When we moved, I stopped the subscription, but kept in touch by reading some of the articles on their website. This week, they've decided to charge a fee to read what was once free and so I guess I'm not going to keep in touch anymore since I don't plan on re-subscribing or paying this new fee. It's not only the economy, these things happen even in good times, companies need to take advantage of every means of making money, and that's just the way it is. I'm not defending Kalembach for withdrawing their database, raising prices or cutting their magazine content, but I do think the loss of good will is something they're going to have to think about, and that can relate to the bottom line. I'm also weighing not subscribing to MR next year since I'm not sure the cost of a yearly subscription is in my budget anymore. After all, the poor economy has hit me as well, so that's something else that Kalembach and these others need to think about before they make changes.
Don (ezdays) Day
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