R.I.P. Model Train Magazine Index
steinjr Wrote:Just a quick update on this thread.
Joe Fugate has posted on the MRH website (http://model-railroad-hobbyist.com/disco...dex?page=2) that NMRA has agreed that they want to take over the maintenance of the Model Train Magazine Index, and another person has gotten hold of the original programmer (Jeff Scherb), who apparently has replied ""If Kalmbach releases their rights to the index I might be able to assist".
It has not been confirmed (at least not yet) that Kalmbach has actually given the software and it's rights to the NMRA.
Still - if they have the original programmer available, and Kalmbach actually releases it's right, it should be possible to write software to extract data from the old program without having to resort to reverse engineering of binaries. Stein

When the NMRA convention ended this evening, the score was: NMRA, yes. Joe Fugate, yes. Kalmbach, "warming to the idea".
Don't expect anything to happen too soon, but the ball is now back in Kalmbach's court.
According to Joe, the "index" is written in "machine language" ( ones, and zeros, not a compiler. ) It will take some time, once the go-ahead is given, to get things "available".
The expectation is, that once all the legal issues that will have to be looked into, are resolved, kalmbach will come to a final decision. At this time, the chances are good that the ending will be favorable, and the index, once again, available.
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