R.I.P. Model Train Magazine Index
Quote:Just a quick comment here, remember, Kalembach is a big organization, a "big wheel" so to speak, and remember, a big wheel, like a steam engine, is not only hard to put in motion, but once moving, it's difficult to stop. Someone there may have thought of this solution, but by the time it got to where it actually looked like things were going to happen, other people jumped in with their version. The big deal here is that the rank and file, Kalembach's customers, voiced their opinion and something is being done about it. That's a good thing for everyone concerned.

Very true, Don. Good points.

And not just the rank and file customers, but model railroaders in general. (I'm not a subscriber but that has less to do with any major gripes against Kalmbach, but a gradual evolution away from the type of articles they were publishing...and a general lack of funding at the time I let my subscription drop. I tried RMC as well and really preferred it but again, the funding changed drastically. Around that same time I discovered the online forums, specifically The Gauge, and the rest, as they say, is history...)

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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