Reefer question
I have a question or two about ice bunker reefers and could use some insight.
Where would this type of reefer be iced prior to being returned to a shipper?
The reason I ask is this-on my switching layout I have a clean out track and have been toying with the idea of adding an icing platform so that once the reefer has been cleaned it could then be re-iced.
[Image: 100_0052.jpg]
In the picture it would go inbetween the cleanout track and the one in front of it. I already have the ice making structure started.It is being made from a cut down mechanical reefer that I got from e-paw,(photos to follow). All I would need to do is build a platform the length of the cleanout track.
I would appreciate any insight,thoughts,pros and cons.
Thanks in advance-

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