WOOHOO! Good weather = time to build
Gary S Wrote:Tom, if all my bridge supports are from styrene, and I use a heat gun to melt the water pellets, won't I also melt the supports?

Also, the water in the bayou is a murky greenish brown. So paint the color onto the bottom of the bayou and then put a thin layer of the EZ water on top? I'm trying to remember how DocWayne did his water.... I think he painted the bottom and then used gloss medium brushed on top? DocWayne?

Well, I am off to the layout room to start the initial terrain building at the bridge location... knife, faom glue, wire brush, and a shop vac.

Oh, I'm sorry. I ASSumed you were doing it the way I did mine, with plaster bridge abutments, I forgot ("Like an idiot Buckman!!") that you were scratch building the bents out of styrene. My bad...
Tom Carter
Railroad Training Services
Railroad Trainers & Consultants
Stockton, CA
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