WOOHOO! Good weather = time to build
Thanks DocWayne! Thumbsup

Your second photo is a good match on color, I need just a tad more green in mine.



Tom and DocWayne, the water looks pretty flat, no ripples. To obtain that look, do I need to use a "self-leveling" method like the EZ water? That would mean plaster abutements. DocWayne, could I get the flatness by your method?

Now, on the plaster, it would be pretty cool to form the abutements with styrene, insert the pipes, and then pour the plaster in.

Here is a photo showing the slope profile down to the bayou:


I did some measuring and angle finding from my photos. The bridge is almost 300 feet long. Starting at the end, there are three 25 foot sections, then four 37 foot sections, and then three more 25 foot sections. It's about 40 feet from the bottom of the bridge down to the water. The bayou isn't centered under the bridge, the centerline is actually 140 feet from one end of the bridge and 160 feet from the other. The slope on one side is a bit steeper than on the other side. Here is what I have so far:

Carving the bayou channel. I used various kitchen knives and a wire brush to clean things up a bit. (Still have much more to do with the wire brush. Once all the basic terrain is done, I'll use sculptamold (or whatever you guys may suggest) to fill in depressions and smooth things out. I am planning on using roughed up sheet styrene for the concrete on the slopes.


Carved upper slopes:


Using foam triangles to fill in:


Finished one side and working on the other:


And everything in place, will have to let the glue dry before I continue on.

Three Foot Rule In Effect At All Times

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