WOOHOO! Good weather = time to build
Durabond should be available in any home improvement store or well-stocked lumber yard. It's made here by Canada Gypsum and in the States by U.S. Gypsum, so should be available just about anywhere in North America. The name "Durabond" will be followed by a number, which represents the setting time in minutes. As far as I know, the fastest is Durabond 20, while I use Durabond 90 (I originally started using it to make my landforms, over window screen, and the longer setting time meant that more of it got used before it hardened in the mixing container 357 ). It's available in small boxes, one or two pounds, I think, and also in 33lb. bags.
I mix mine in a plastic tub, meant for use as a cat's litter box, but anything flexible will work - for small amounts, a plastic margarine tub will do. When it starts to set, there's not much that you can do. I let it harden somewhat, then flex the tub to break it free. Broken up with a hammer, the bits make decent talus or riprap fill:


Larry, I don't use foam on my layout (I may on the second level, though), but the water-based clear urethane should be safe on foam, with the added benefit that it won't yellow over time like most varnishes.


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