General Rubber Company.
Sumpter250 Wrote:
MountainMan Wrote:If you process used tires, you will need a large elctromnagnet to remove pieces of steel belts from the ground-up rubber.

Hmmmmm. and, an occasional pick up of the "recycled" more type of rolling stock to make scheduled visits, and possibly, one more loading dock door......or overhead bin.

Guys,Fear not..General Rubber receives production scrap from manufacturers that produces rubber products and that may be car defective floor mats,rubber fishing lures (like worms minnows) rubber balls that failed QC,and other like rubber scrap in trucks..This scrap rubber is ran through a chopper and then a blender..Then finish product is rubber pellets which is loaded into covered hoppers or into gaylords for shipment by truck.

In this process there is no tires..

John,I will probably use a "concrete" foundation made from solid square ABS plastic.

Summerset Ry

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