WOOHOO! Good weather = time to build
Gary S Wrote:TN, I used to see the advertisements for used cabooses in the train magazines. I always thought it would be so awesome to have one in the backyard and buildthe layout inside it.

Even though the cabooses were only $5000, the shipping charges were quite high. There is/was a website that chronicled one man's adventures in acquiring and installing a caboose in his backyard- very interesting and an enjoyable read. From his cost figures, it was cheaper for me to build the new building! Plus the building has more space than a caboose.

A boxcar would be really cool too.

Thank you for your respect comment, it is appreciated! Smile
In the early 70's, in Tucson, my grandfather bought an out of service refrigerated boxcar and had it shipped across town to his place in the foothills. At the time, the boxcar cost him 2K and having it shipped cost him another 2K. He has since passed on but the boxcar still sits there. He built a big roof over the top of it and used it as a workshop for 30 some years. I can remember quite clearly cracking those doors open on a reallly hot summer day and feeling the refreshing whoosh of the nice cool air come rushing out at you. He never did hook any kind of AC up to it as It didn't matter how hot it was outside, it was always cool inside. As I was just a young whipper snapper back then, I used to climb all over that thing from top to bottom and I especially had fun standing halfway up on the end on a little tiny platform cranking on the brake wheel to watch the chain advance up and down.

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