Sumpter250's 2010 Summer structure challenge, boat house
ocalicreek Wrote:I think MRC may have a willow in their new line of trees (you know, the free tree offer). I don't think you can get a willow with that offer, but it may be worth a try. Otherwise, if you don't plan to make one, check the Scenic Express catalog. Great stuff there and I bet they have a willow. Galen

I've seen an MRC willow picture, they do relatively well on their trees, but I really want to build this one ( have wanted to for a number of years, but hadn't found materials that could come close to doing one justice. I think I may have finally found the material.......we'll see. ) just because it's a challenge that I need to step up to.
The one on the left is where I'm thinking of going:
The trunk of that tree is 30" - 36" diameter, and the tree is roughly 42' tall ( 5-3/4" in HO )
I'll most likely use wire to form the trunk and major branch structure ( easy part ). The finer branches and leaves ? That, will take some doing, and may prove more tedious than all the shingles......but, if it all works?... 2285_
This also will be done in my New Modules thread.
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