Constitution Day
This morning I sent an email to many of the people for whom I have email addresses. It was early ... I never thought to post it here! I will do so now.

Good Morning!

Today, Friday, September 17 is Constitution Day .

Have you read the
Constitution of the United States of America lately? If not, why not? Next to the Declaration of Independence, it is the most important document in our land!

Do you really know what it says, what rights it guarantees you, what protections it offers you? Do you know that, as per the Constitution, the Federal government exists solely to protect the States from invasion or attack by foreign sources and to maintain a competent military force to carry out that responsibility? [Article I, Section 8]

Are you aware that the Constitution clearly states that all “powers not delegated to the United Stares (Federal government) by the Constitution, nor prohibited it by the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.” [Amendment Ten]

Are you knowledgeable enough about the foremost governing document of the Land to realize that our Constitution is being ignored and, yes, trampled on by those that we have unfortunately elected to represent us in the Federal government? Are they ignoring the Constitution on purpose or are they ignorant in regard to the document they swore to uphold when they were sworn into office?

If you love this Country, do yourself, and your Country, a big favor today! Get a copy of the
Constitution of the United States of America today and read it … TODAY! Refresh your memory as to what it says. Are those things that our Founding Fathers laid out on paper to guide this great country being adhered to … or are the being ignored, side stepped, trampled on by those who would transform this great land of Freedom to be the best that you can be into a land of those in “the Ruling Class” and everyone else, a land where government tells us what we can and cannot do, what we can and cannot eat, where we can and cannot live, what we can and cannot drive … a land where Freedom of Choice is superseded by government decree.

Celebrate Constitution Day by re-educating yourself about the Constitution.


"We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately." -- Benjamin Franklin, Founding Father, at the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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