WOOHOO! Good weather = time to build
SP1 Wrote:Wow Gary - very well done! The details (pipes, cameras, etc) are enhancing the rather simple structure very much. The proportions are looking quite right to me.

Thank you. In a little while, I'll set it in place on the layout to see how it "feels".

SP1 Wrote:But a word on your plywood core. I dont know about the climate in Houston and especially in your hobby room, but I hope you dont have serious changes in temperature or humidity - so the wood won't change its volume too much.

Well, the climate in Houston has some drastic humidity changes through the year, and temps range from 30 F in the winter to 100 F in the summer, but the layout is in a climate controlled room. On the old layout, which was in a non-climate controlled garage, a couple of the GERN structures where built similar to this with no problems. The plywood I used was an old piece of 3/4" "furniture" grade plywood, and that stuff gets used in all sorts of home furnishings like laminated cabinets and such.

The plywood core is "laminated" with plastic on the top and three sides. Only the bottom and back are exposed. I could put a sealer on those surfaces, but I don't expect any issues.

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