Well that'll teach me to test first...
None of it HAS to remain as-is (other than the track - if I paint over the track it won't work so good as a program track Icon_lol ). It's an idea - I can take off the PR3 and the double sided tape and paint the hole stinkign thing, although to make it look nice I'd have to paint all sides. It's one of those Rubbermain shelves that is covered on all 6 edges with a white laminate that is incredibly smooth - that would be the other problem, getting paint to adhere properly to it. It's too cold to work outside so all I could use is latex paint, and the only thing I actually have is the brown I'm using as the basic earth color over my foam. Lots of sanding might rough it up enough for paint to stick. Of course I don;t have any laquer thinner on hand either to try that so whatever I do I have to run otu and get it. Unless the Scalecoat II thinner will strip DullCote. I don't think any of it will hurt the surface. And the idea of artist's fixative over top - that might be a better option than the Modge Podge - I was trying to be economical since I picked up the jar of Modge Podge at Walmart and I could SWEAR I grabbed a jar of the FLAT but when I got home it was GLOSS. Probably not a good choice for ballasting. I have two of the large craft stores near me, I can probably get fixative spray at one of those.

Best part, it probably would have been OK to not coat the Sharpie markings, it probably wouldn't smudge off unless I deliberately tried to smear it. And note to self, if I ever use Sharpies to do anything on a structure, no DullCote.

Modeling the Reading Railroad of the 1950's in HO

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