I think we left at the right time
Quote:Ed is right, we should advertise, "Under OLD management", with "OLD" being a relative term, of course...
I'm not ashamed to admit that the term "old" "relates to me".
"Commercially run site"..........yeah, and that's why I got so bitter about all that was going on there. Nineteen and a half years as a field service rep. on call, 24 X 7 X 52, "don't eat, don't sleep, don't make little service reps. I sorta gave up my life to keep my customers in business, and happy. I guess I was (maybe) a little out of line to expect the same in return from that "commercially run site".
Quote: I think that we all still have an investment in the "old Gauge" if nothing else, because there is a lot of our information still on it.

Yeah, we've got more of an investment than time. Some have a piece of themselves back there and it's hard to pull completely away.

Like my 21 years Naval service, there were good times and there were bad times. I don't need to "go back" to remember, and enjoy the memories of, the good times. I have managed to forget most of the bad times. Here, at least, our community can continue to go forward, and make more memories, some that will be forgotten, and many more that will be remembered with enjoyment. "Under old management"........
I can live with that. Smile Smile Smile
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!

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