WOOHOO! Good weather = time to build
biL, I used to do electrical work in Southwestern Bell buildings all the time. You're right, very few windows.

The front of the bank is "fancied up" with glass doors and such, but that won't be modeled because it is up against the wall. The other side of the building that can't be seen in the photos is the drive-through windows. I am modeling a portion the canopy over that, but the angle of the building precludes doing the actual windows. There are a few lights and conduit on the back, one side has a ladder up to the roof, and an air conditioner and conduit on the roof, all that stuff will be added.

With the tracks toward the front of the shelf, the building in the back, and a 6-foot chainlink fence and trees and brush between the tracks and the building, it should make for a nice scene.

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