WOOHOO! Good weather = time to build
Gary S Wrote:Russ, always appreciate your interest and all the info and suggestions you have provided over the months.

I made the letters from styrene strip. First, I took a piece of .010 sheet plastic as a base and drew the letters on that. Then used .040 x .125 strip pieces to form the letters. Then after the glue dried, I cut the .010 sheet around the letters. Did the same thing with the logo. Here's a pic of the installed sign:


The ladder and cage is a commercial piece, it is rather crude and I really should build one out of brass wire, but just didn't have it in me today.

Looks great, Gary. I agree on the safety cage. That ladder and cage will serve as a "stand in" until you build a good one. I think the problem is that a safety cage for a ladder is typically made of 1/8 inch thick steel strap, and you just can't make plastic to that scale thickness without compromising strength. When the plastic is thick enough to have the strength needed, it looks like you used 12 inch thick rail to make your cage.

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