WOOHOO! Good weather = time to build
Okay, figured is was time to start on the backdrop, just to see if it is possible for me to paint a decent one. I started by printing out a photo of the area behind the Chase Bank building:


Then I painted a piece of hardboard with the backdrop blue. From there, I used a color copy of the prototype scene to paint the tree and buildings and truck. I painted the experimental piece at my workbench. I painted one of the trucks, but didn't take the time to do the other since this is a throw-away piece.


Then put that in place against the layout backdrop to see if it is acceptable. Now, I'll have to paint it on the wall, standing on a step stool... ugh! These photos are taken from my eye level and at the distance I would normally be at when operating.



What do you guys honestly think? Should I carry on? I did notice that the painted truck needs to be shrunk just a bit... it seems to be a touch bigger than the model van.

Seriously, looking for opinions before I begin this in earnest. Yes, I know that the only person I need to please is myself, but I do want some constructive criticism!

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