WOOHOO! Good weather = time to build
A couple tangent thoughts.

I know you're going for more realistic than representational, but consider using a layered idea. That is, a hardboard layer (flat) between the backdrop and foreground. On the hardboard would be intermediate objects in 2-d. For example, the scene you've just painted, but cut out along major edges like the roofline. Then any additional structures or scenic features further back in distance would be painted on the actual backdrop. Using 1/8" hardboard, you'd want to space it 1/8" to 1/4" from the backdrop to provide some relief but not much.

I'm thinking along these lines by wondering-ahead as to what you'll do at the street. Extending that street is a job for the backdrop, but carefully positioned flats on either side of the street could help pull off the illusion more convincingly. The backdrop scenery could be grayed and muted 20% and the flats only 10%.

Your painting skill looks pretty good, but I'd lean towards using photos just because of the level of detail you bring to the foreground structures.

Finally, I was a little confused about the tree. The added 3-d tree really blended well with the 2-d backdrop tree, but when I looked at the overhead view I noticed the tree was actually across the street. Huh?

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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