WOOHOO! Good weather = time to build
On the craft paints, here is my arsenal of little bottles that is used for all my modeling needs, except I did use house paint for the sky, and also for painting the foam on the layout. Oh.... I do use spray cans for priming and painting railings and such.


However, I am trying to use only the big bottles shown here, mixing colors as needed. That way, I'm hoping the entire backdrop will be consistent. The big bottles are inexpensive, but the color selection isn't that great. Still, most scenery colors can be mixed from what is available.


Here is an in progress photo just to show what is going on. I use a pencil and straight edge to lightly mark off the various edges, then use the diluted craft paint to fill in. The buildings themselves took 3 or 4 coats of the thinned paint. It may be just as good to use full strength on the buildings, but the thinned paint gives some control on the hues. It isn't necessary to stay exactly in the lines - after the paint is done, I use a straight edge and pencil to go between the major parts, for example, the horizontal gray band at the upper part of the building.


And the mock scene at the other end of the Chase Bank building:


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