WOOHOO! Good weather = time to build
Kevin, thanks!

biL: Considering the photo with the drive-thru canopy - before I took the photo, I noticed that the background building was darker behind the canopy, and it shouldn't be like that. so, to "fix" it, I thought that a white wash over that part of the building would brighten it up. Well, it didn't. It just made it look dingy, and even worse. I'll go back and repaint that with the normal color, but try to make it brighter. Any suggestions on how to do that? Add some yellow?

The canopy almost looks like the cars are going into a tunnel, and it looks bad as it is. There will be a chain link fence and vegetation at the edge of the parking lot, but I don't think it will be tall enough to break up the view into the canopy.

Hmmm.... an LED light installed in the grill of a car going into the drive-thru? Cut the canopy roof back so it doesn't go all the way to the wall so some light can get onto the wall? But that would probably just make a horizontal shadow on the backdrop. May just have to live with it.

Back to backdrop philosphy, I am finding I have a hard time not putting in the details from the photos. Intuiton would say that the more the painting looks like the photo, and the more details we put in, the better it would be. But since our painting skills aren't refined enough, we'll never make the painting look like the photo. And so the details end up being undesirable, because they attract the viewer's eye to the backdrop - and since it caught his eye, he begins a closer inspection, and then he is seeing that the backdrop isn't that good! I think what we want is for the backdrop to only register in the viewer's mind from peripheral vision. >There is something there which looks plausible, but it doesn't attract the eye.<

Your mention of standing away from the easel gave me an idea. I need to look at the photos from further away, and pick out only the shapes that are obvious and only put them on the backdrop. Viewing the photo up close invites one to do too much detail.

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