WOOHOO! Good weather = time to build
I'm pleased that possibly the recounting of my own "AHA!" personal discoveries and art-related visual revelations, along with some of the concepts and principles of representative illustration that I learned in school and subsequently put to use practically on a daily basis were of some small help to you and maybe even to others pondering developing backdrops as well. I have grown a bit concerned though, that with all my many posts in this thread, that I may have been starting to sound, as my daughter so often accuses me, like some "arrogant know-it-all ass" ... and so I will now sit down and shut up!

I'm sure things will go just fine with your backdrop, Gary, as your are off to an incredibly unbelievable start! Your work on the backdrop to date is absolutely stunning! There's no doubt in my mind that when completed, you backdrop will appear so natural as to be "unremarkably normal" and become just a part of the "peripheral view" of your growing layout!!

So I will check the "active posts" to continue to watch your layout progess as I work with a finecut jeweler's file inside the rough-cut openings for ten windows and two doorways cut into four sorta wide strips of styrene which will become the four "masonry" walls for "The House for San Berdoo," until the windows and doors are a perfect slip-fit. After all, the houses of San Bernardino did not build themselves and the family of LPB's who will call this particular one home will soon grow rather weary of sleeping in the Airflow Imperial Eight out in the Garage!!

Keep looking to "see" ... and "see" those elements that cause the eye to perceive the things that it does ... and then use that understanding to reproduce those visual cues ...

... and remember ... it's only background support for the main attraction ... a slow moving way freight hauling a half-dozen carloads of Idaho Spuds to the Mountain King industrial siding for unloading and processing! I can't wait ... but I will ... 'cuz it'll be worth it ... I have no doubt!

Have Fun!

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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