WOOHOO! Good weather = time to build
Gary, the overall effect of the modeled foreground and the painted background is a homogenous one, to say the least! It all works … until one moves to where the should disappear into the distance. It doesn't "fall apart" there, but the illusion loses some of it believability.

The problem in that area is not one of "not enough," but rather one of "too much!" You have thoughtfully applied each of the devices that were discussed over the past week or so boldly and with great success ... except in the one area that had the potential to bring all of the well-executed illusions to a grinding, gear-wrenching halt!

The eye (and brain) read the "atmosphere" between the spot from where they are viewing a scene nd the objects in the scene by a lessening of color intensity and a loss of detail as the scene recedes. You have accomplished that everywhere except where that damn street seemingly heads off into the distance. The way it currently appears, it is early in the day, the morning fog is burning off, and has totally burned off where we, the viewers are standing, but it has quite a ways to go further down the street.

The "far distance" is fine ... but pump up the visual volume at the actual intersection of the foreground and the background and then let it fade.

Take a moment to go back and review the work of MikeC and look at how that road and the objects on either side of it are represented and what he has done to make it appear that the distance increases as the eye is allowed to “travel back into the scene.”

You’ve done some masterful work, Gary! If you don’t believe me, go back to Page 66 of this thread and realize how far you’ve progressed in just two short weeks! Absolutely amazing progress! Anyone would think that you had taken a couple semesters of elective classes in illustration and were the star student at that school where you hold all the pieces together! You’ve broken the ground and laid the foundation. You have taken it from the three-dimensional foreground and pushed it into the distance. You are now at the “tweaking” stage … a little tweak here, a little tweak there … This is where the "real work" for every artist really begins! Bringing it to this point is the easy part ...

A little more observation, Buddy … a little more understanding … that’s all that currently stands between you and button-popping, suspender-snapping success at South Wayside!

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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