WOOHOO! Good weather = time to build
I certainly want to thank everyone who is giving comments and thoughts on how to make this thing "finished"!

Galen, I took your advice on making the traffic lights from plastic and then gluing them on the wall, and painting the wires.

Russ, Ralph, thanks for looking at my latest and offering advice. And of course biL, thank you for making me look a little further than I might have.

The latest permutation... painted in some receeding telephone poles, made the horizontal line of the road on the backdrop more defined, repainted the traffic stripes on the backdrop just a bit, and made the distant treeline more distinct. Now, the creation looks acceptable from all of the various angles with the viewblocks of the trees and buildings and vehicles, the only one that is still lacking is from straight on. It is time to move back over to the bayou backdrop for now, perhaps more inspiration will come later. Oh... I will put a model traffic sign over on the left sidewalk.


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