Letting Off Steam- No Pun intended
Several weeks ago you questioned how to do catenary work.
Electric traction is here in Germany not uncommon, in fact about 70% of the network is electrified.
In former times i build overhead wires and catenary myself, there is some experience, knowledge and skills.
On my friend's layout we're just raising the wire. So i made a couple of photos to show how we errect the overhead catenary.
I thought you will have interest to it, so i posted the links to messrs. Sommerfeldt and Viessmann, both H0 catenary manufacturers, and asked if you were interessted. Got no feed back from you. You did a very good job building the poles and masts for the catenary and i am the opinion you have the skills to do the complete work, but i can't prevent you to invent the wheel again. It is your choice.
[Image: si850908hhh6.jpg]


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