Letting Off Steam- No Pun intended
Green_Elite_Cab Wrote:[

When the subject of modeling these trains as a main part of a layout shows up, I get funny looks until i show that I'm not crazy and the topic tends to move on to other things quickly (which is find, i recognize that most people aren't interested in Arrows and silverliners). This reaction their part is not surprising, since in many of these clubs and groups, the only other guy who models commuter trains is uncomfortably strange (and no social skills to boot). If that person is present, they'll usually come over to me and trap me into a one sided conversation in which i either don't get a word in edgewise, or where they don't even really seem to be listening to me. In the end, I'm left with a headache and feeling more outcast than ever.

Thats the part that makes me feel a little self conscious and lonely in terms of modeling. When i'm talking scenery, PRR, conrail, freight operations, people work with me just fine, but god forbid i ask a question relating to something like an Arrow III MU car, no one has anything to say. Its just me.

Its unfortunate that you aren't finding more people like yourself for face to face conversations and shared modeling of your favorite electrics but I think you must be doing a good job interacting with the folks who give you funny looks initially but then relax once you talk about things they have a better understanding or appreciation of. You're not coming across as the weird commuter train guy! Smile Maybe you can joke about that and then make a comment or two about why you find your specialty interest so...interesting! You might lure in one or two folks.

People like the uncomfortably strange types you mentioned who dominate conversation and aren't fun to talk to pop up anytime there is a gathering focused on a hobby interest. I've seen them at train shows, flea markets, home improvement shows, Bluegrass festivals; you name it. I seem to be a magnet for them, or else there is a lighted sign over my head that says, "come and talk to me!" Eek I found it hard to extract myself from them (I felt like a deer in the headlights) until I started practicing things I might say in advance. I'd imagine being cornered by one of those guys and then come up with a friendly but assertive statement (nothing more complicated than, "Nice talking to you but I'm going to go and see what some of the other folks here are up to")...and then GO! Smile Say "Seeya later!" if they persist and keep walking.

I hope you find more modelers who will at least appreciate your interest if not actually participate in it as well!


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