Recycling Printer Cartidges
doctorwayne Wrote:Looks to me to be a GERN #7B (that side-mounted electrical box was the give-away that it was a Model B) Flux Roaster - used to bring the crushed ore to a uniform moisture content before milling. It was a big improvement over the #6 Roaster, as it recycles the removed moisture, injecting it, under pressure, into stock whose moisture content is too low. I hope that you're planning on adding lifting lugs for the plant crane to move it to its operating pedestal. Thumbsup


Ahh, yes, the 7B. That is a great improvement over the model 6, and especially the 5. After all, the 5 could not deal well with all the anhydrous H2O that was produced as a byproduct of the process. Excellent job of scratch building an exact replica.

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