It wouldn't be the gauge without:
eightyeightfan1 Wrote:If we do, can we still use the old logo as pictured?
Or, should we come up with a new one?
That's one thing that we felt we couldn't take with us. Although the logo isn't trademarked, they did buy the domain, the name and everything that went with it, and we didn't want to get into any legal hassles. hence our new logo. We have also been hesitant to call ourselves "the Gauge". Although it isn't trademarked either, they could claim prior usage as a train forum and give us a hard time about its use, so although we are "", we also go by, "Big Blue Train Forum". If anyone calls us, "The Gauge", I don't think we can do much about that, we've done what we need to do to protect the name.
Don (ezdays) Day
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