It wouldn't be the gauge without:
Sumpter250 Wrote:
Quote:Although the logo isn't trademarked, they did buy the domain, the name and everything that went with it, and we didn't want to get into any legal hassles.

The problem with a machine that turns lawyers into fertilizer?........
We'd end up with popcorn that litigates. Eek 2285_

What we suffered, at the hands of Peter, Zealot, and Crowdgather, is the prime reason why I feel the Federal Government, should never have "Bailed Out" any one!, Wall Street, Banks, Industries (read as C. E. O. ' s)
Every one of them had only one interest, make immoral incomes, while personally producing nothing!
I know where my sins will cause me to end up, and I will be there, at the great iron gate, to escort each CEO to his/her very personal, and very eternal damnation.
There!.....I feel better now.
We're fortunate that we have this forum, and can "get away with" including "gauge" in the name.
I see no reason why our current logo cannot replace the old logo on "The-Gauge Railway", and no reason why the colors have to be changed.
I no longer have color ribbons for my ALPS printer, so I can't make color decals, except via ink jet, and that is not the greatest way to create decals.
You have an ALPS PRINTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We gotta talk about getting you a white printer ribbon. Cheers
Don (ezdays) Day
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