MM, again
For better or for worse, I sent him this:

" Hmm....I smell 3% more bovine excremental by-product on this thread than elsewhere. It must be the GERN! "

You and I share one thing in common, we are both retired military.
I can use the "vernacular" clearly and fluently, whenever the situation calls for it, and I can change the wording to make it seem "cleaner", but the message is still loud and clear.
I will never forget the first time my daughters heard me "use the vernacular". I had made it a point to never bring that home.
I know the youth of today is also quite capable of its usage, but I try not to encourage them to use it. We have younger persons here, as members, and as visitors. Try, to keep things civil.
One of the tricks I use is to select "preview" , ask myself, is this the model railroader, or is this the retired Chief speaking....
If it is "the Chief", I either re-write the post, or simply not "submit" it.
I have been known to respond with: " Collective, this is command, signals follow, immediate execute. Foxtrot - Oscar - Alpha - Delta. Standby - Execute! ". But I never use that kind of response around family.
Think about this forum as a "family place", let's try to keep things lighter, and a bit less hostile.
Thanks in advance,

Maybe I got out of bed on the wrong side this morning, but...he didn't have to "call out" Mr Fixit, and he didn't have to say that he "smelled 3% more Bull---- on this thread", and blame it on GERN.
Big Grin I can still remember my Grandmother saying " Oh Sugar", when something went wrong. :o
Who did she think she was fooling , we all knew exactly what she meant..... yup, "excremental by-product"". Big Grin
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!

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