MM, again
Since this is a private mod forum I'll share this. Quite a while ago after MM made several posts critical of and mocking of the GERN thread I sent this:

Mountain Man,

Most of us ARE talking about GERN, a fun fictional concept that has inspired a lot of creativity among the membership. It seems ridiculous to me that something as innocuous as a thread about an amusing fantasy product should prompt conflict. It also seems to me, Mountain Man, that you don't enjoy the GERN concept, except possibly as a topic to mock or criticize, so I suggest you might consider ignoring this thread if you aren't interested in posting in the light-hearted spirit intended. You are posting like a heckler at a comedy club and it comes off poorly. Frankly I find your implication that the previous forum broke up because of intolerance of other ideas and your snide reference about "concrete thinkers" to be insulting to the membership.


He came back with this:

"As I find your comments insulting to me.

My original question was simple - too simple, apparently - and obviously triggered some deep-seated hang-ups among certain members.

If you expect others to accept your criticisms, you must accept theirs with equal grace. So far, you are obviously unable to do that, although for some reason you expect me to accept yours.

Clean out your own house before you comment on mine"

He loves verbal sparring and rarely sees any of the problem being his own. I expect he'll either ignore you Pete or else reply in as boorish a manner as he did with me. I ignored his reply. Eventually he just seemed to get better...but now that i think of it., that was after I publicly told him I would delete anymore problematic posts of his in the politics and religion thread...

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