GERN Industries - New Flux deposit found!
MountainMan Wrote:Is the quarry up and running yet? Smile

Well... no. Nope
Its gravel season. Misngth I am rather working in the pit than on the pit. The picture above gives you an impression how busy the places is I am currently assigned to. In these days I have only two or three hours on hand for modeling - in a week. Finishing older projects is more important, so I don't even have built the benchwork.

I also have learned a lesson from earlier layouts. If I start a layout (-section) with laying down rails on plywood or foamboard, it mostly stayed in that conditon over a long period while I am building the the scenery stuff (structures, vehicles and such). I often lost interest in the actual project in this stage.
When I moved some time ago and started the actual layout I changed my strategy. I am building the time consuming things first and when I have them almost complete I start building the benchwork. Installing the rails and shaping the scenery is a matter of a few days. With the structures, bridges, trees, vehicles on hand I can work continuously on the layout (-section) 'til it is completed. No long periods anymore that allow me re-thinking the project or losing the interest in it over time. You get my idea?

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