MM, again
Notice that he did challenge our choices on the "Global railroad name" thread, but backed off when I said that the #1 premise (read the rules first before complaining) was to not be a holding company. I thought he was exceptionally benign there. If he could be that graceful all the time, we wouldn't be having this conversation now, would we??? Nope

Hmm, "three other railroad forums and numerous history forums", tell him to go to a Disney forum and to use that as a guide as to how to act here seeing as how we have an awful lot of younger ones here to learn something about model railroading. Yeah, they probably know more about stuff like this than I did when I was four times their age, but we don't have to encourage them here. If I want to see naked women doing the chicken dance, or otherwise get embarrassed, I'll go over to 2kidz, Eek if I want to get insulted, I'll head over to Atlas. Nope Nope If I want to show my young grandkids some good modeling, I'll bring them here. Thumbsup Thumbsup
Don (ezdays) Day
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