Big Steel! Update Feb 15/09
Well, I'm more or less finished with the ore bridge crane. One thing I still have to do is pick up some very thin gauge brass or copper wire to replace the thread holding the clamshell bucket. Despite having waxed the thread to get rid of the "fuzzies", they are still visible, and the kinks in the thread destroy all illusion that they are cables carrying a heavy load.

[Image: OBC_bucket.jpg]

I placed a figure in the cab and painted the interior walls a cheesy "industrial" pale green. I actually had to bash this figure together from 2 others. You can really see in this photo what I mean about the kinks and fuzz in the thread.

[Image: OBC_cabin.jpg]

Here's a shot that better represents the actual colour of the model. With the exception of locos, I never paint anything on my layout black. It's always brown, which seems to represent a light patina of rust and exposure.

[Image: OBC_front.jpg]

And finally here is a long view. The kit gives you the option of different lengths. There is a front section, a rear section, and 2 different middle sections, so you can combine these in 4 different configurations. I chose to leave out the short middle section.

[Image: OBC_long.jpg]

One note to anyone planning to build one of these: paint the interior supports first! I had a heck of a time painting them once the bridge was assembled. I also had a lot of trouble fitting the expletive-deleted legs. When I came to assemble this part, I found the tabs didn't fit the slots. I built this over a couple of days, and the glue was well set on the legs and the box they are supposed to fit into - so there was no give. It's odd, becuase everything else fit together perfectly.

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