A Look At Slate Creek.
Paul asks:
Personally i always like some explanation about the way you like to operate your switching layout. Fiddling cars from and to the main? Can the fiddle track be reached easily, or is it tucked behind industries? Where do you envision fiddling?; if that is your plan anyway.
I had entertain the thought of using a cassette but,since the number of cars being use will vary I decided to fiddle the arriving local on the main.

Here's my plan.

The industries will be switch on a rotation bases and no "work day" will be the same..Some days we will have no setouts only pickups other days we will have more work to do..The local may arrive with 1 or 2 cars for one industry and no pickups other days it may have 5 or 6 setouts with 5 or 6 pickups..

I plan on leaving a lot of headroom to switch cars instead of "wabashing" the work day with lots of cars..I done that before on past ISLs and it was more frustrating then fun.

Summerset Ry

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