So there I was....(II)
Guess you're lucky that none of the railroad stuff got ruined. Power tools can be replaced. The time, money and pride that would of been destryoed if the layout had gotten flooded would of been worst. Not saying that replacing power tool are cheap.
If that happened to me, and my layout had gotten ruined, the PM would have seen even a darker side, than the dark side of me.

There was a picture going around the e-mail circuit, that showed what happened to this guys gararge in Michigan, when a pipe broke while him and his family were on vacation, flooding his garage, then freeezing, locking both his cars, which were not cheap(BMW and a Porsche if I remember right), in one huge chunk of ice.

Good Luck with the clean-up.
Torrington, Ct.
NARA Member #87
I went to my Happy Place, but it was closed for renovations.

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