So there I was....(II)
What a nightmare. I am happy that none of the train stuff was touched. Most power tools are quite durable and can withstand alot. I would get them somewhere warm, and use the WD40. If you leave them in the cold the ice will expand and contract with temp changes and cause parts to crack.

I had a basement level apartment a few years ago, and every time it would snow or rain, my apartment would flood. It had to happen 4 times before the property management did anything about it. The maintenance man said it was the fridge, then a leak under the kitchen sink.
Eventually they found the real problem. The vent pipe for the sewer line was cracked at the base of the trap elbow.
My insurance was really great about it, and over the several floods they paid out alot of money to replace damaged clothing, electronics, firearms, and my leather duty gear.

I hope your management does right by you, as well as the insurance company. If you need to borrow some power tools, I live about an hour or so south of you.

Don't follow me, I'm lost too.

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