Almost threw in the towel...
We have many things in our lives that are set backs and are devastating. Everyone handles these situations as best they can and often times we make major mistakes. I too went through a period in the late 80's where things were just not right with the world and I began selling my trains. I came to my senses and worked through my depression and kept the rest of my trains and railroad in tact. It was years before I could get back to it.

I lost my best friend on New Years Day, to some he was only a dog, but to me he was a friend and companion. He had Cancer, and there was no sign until he was beyond all help. My layout is in limbo at the moment because I am trying to cry out my grief. I am leaning on my friends in my yahoo samoyed group to get me through this.
This forum has a thread/section to post anything non railroad related. I'm sure the founders of this list have this set up so members can talk about a lot of things as well as talk out their pain.
The time will come when you will be comfortable again.
and if no one answers your pleas yell louder, It isn't that we are ignoring anyone, it is just that many of us read but don't comment until we realize help is neded.

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