Almost threw in the towel...

I am sorry for your loss. I know the feeling. I had a family member pass in October. Whether person, dog, cat, etc, they are a trusted faithful companion, and the loss is quite hard.

Everyone here is the largest reason why I didn't walk away entirely. When I had the rare chance, I would visit here (mostly on other people's computers as I was without one for a while). Everyone has something in the 3d world that weighs on them. The folks here (which some of you are like family to me now {they know who they are}) kept me from going completely nuts. Aside from the people who were staying with us, my Dad had a major heart attack and 3 major surgeries later, he is still kicking. I had a family member who could no longer cope and took their own life. It is sad, it hurts, but in the end it was their choice. Instead of reaching out for help, they took the cowards way out. I feel for them, I really do, but I was a cop for a LONG time and that has somewhat hardened me, jaded me.

I thank each and every one of you for creating this place. I know we all didn't build this site, but we all contribute to the family feel. It is comforting, as it is a constant. I know there is always someone ready to lend advice, even about issues not involving trains.

I know that this post is rambling and without a clear direction, but I am confident that anyone who reads it will know what I am driving at.

Thank you to everyone again,
Don't follow me, I'm lost too.

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