out for awhile
Lester Perry Wrote:Well the surgery went very well, the doctor said there was much more damage than he thought. I was told that I would have 5 or 6 weeks of extreme pain, I am waiting for it to start. I will just be open about this. Much prayer was offered up over this,I mean sincere prayer from many Christian friends. If you don't know Jesus as your personal savior you don't know what you are missing. Please PM me if you want to know more.
Les, it's good to see you got through the surgery and that at least you can function well enough to get a message to us. As I said, I've been through this twice and yes, it's a good six weeks before they allow you to use that arm, and still another couple of months of physical therapy to get it strong again, but there's some pain after the anesthesia wears off, but that seems to diminish within a few days, you just need to keep your arm immobile for a few weeks to let things heal and you don't tear anything loose. I hope the best for you and that the pain does subside quickly.

One trick I used was to sleep on the couch. I was able to use the back for support to keep me from moving around and stay on my good shoulder. If you sleep in a bed, you had the tendency to roll around, and that's not good. They also say that sleeping on a recliner works, but I tried both and the couch worked just fine.

Good luck,
Don (ezdays) Day
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