So there I was....(II)
Quote:OUCH!!! I don't know what causes more clean up headaches than water damage...
Clean up headaches? Oh, right, but that doesn't happen until after all the different contractors make a mess of the whole place. Eek
The heat is on in that unit now, the plumbing survived last night, the drywall, and insulation went in today, part of the drywall joints are "mudded", and some time next week I can think about moving all the "garage stuff", out of my living room, and back into the garage. The biggest cleanup headache, is going to be all the "drywall residue" on my garage floor, and all of it that has been already tracked into the house.
The "residents" requested the shut off of the gas, and power, so they wouldn't have to pay for it! I want photographs, and an address!
Even in this, there is an "up" side, I found some things out in the garage that I thought I had parted with a long time ago, and I now have a use for them! :mrgreen:
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!

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