Svein's 2012 Resolution challenge
Got started on the control panel today:

[Image: 2297_w1200.jpg]

Instead of bying a lot of new stuff, I've decided to use what I have at hand. The toggle switches are DPDT, salvaged from a layout I dismantled for a friend some years ago. I will use these as turnout indicators, while the momentary pushbuttons activate the solenoid. The two DPDT's on the stub ended track in the center are for the programming track at the end, and the power feed of the track piece adjacent to it, but it would probably be better with a 4PDT.

The plywood sheet is 1.5mm thick, 20 x 50 cm (8" x 20"), and I've printed out the track schematics and trying it out for size. Not sure whether to keep it this size, or if I should try and reduce it a little without getting the controllers too close together. When the final size is decided, I'll make a box frame behind it, and maybe add some thin moldings around the edges.

I haven't yet decided on how the panel will look when it's finished. I'm thinking of using spray paint and masking tape to create the lines, but on the other hand maybe I'll just glue the printout onto the sheet and leave it at that. What do you guys think?


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