Peco code 55 electrofrogs: power routing only the turnout?
I've never had a problem with the point contact, but others have. It may be a matter of how careful we are with the ballast glue.
The "DCC" problem is a result of the very fast circuit breakers in DCC power units. In DC there can be a momentary short but the train rolls on and it disappears. In DCC the entire layout shuts down and may have to be reset (from a controller, last time I used it).
The hitch with Electrofrog turnouts is that both points and the frog are a single elctrical unit, so the open point and the rail next to it are opposite polarities. Yours seem to have a wide gap but others are barely wide enough for the wheel flange. I've seen even supposedly NMRA standard locos short out on them. It's a major problem with British trains where the standards are ignored or even defied.
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